每个使用System.Diagnostics命名空间下的Stopwatch类做性能优化的人迟早会遇到一些麻烦。每个人都可以看到了,在同一台电脑相同功能的测试在运行时间上会有25% -30%不同。本文介绍如何使用Stopwatch类设计单线程测试程序获得0.1% - 0.2%准确性。有了这个精度,算法才可以进行测试和比较。
设置测试方案 最重要的是防止CPU内核或处理器之间的切换。对性能测试有很大的影响。这可以通过设置进程的ProcessorAffinity来实现:
Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessorAffinity = new IntPtr( 2 ); // Use only the second core 为了能独占CPU内核,我们必须防止其他线程可以使用此CPU内核。我们设置进程和线程的优先级,来实现这一目标:
Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High; Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; 最后,但并非不重要的,在我们的测试需要热身阶段。在我的系统中,1000-1500毫秒热身阶段之后结果是稳定的。我们可以用stopwatch自己来控制热身(这里至少1200mS):
stopwatch.Start(); while (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 1200 ) { result = TestFunction(seed, count); } stopwatch.Stop(); 下面是完整的示例:
using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; namespace PreciseMeasure { class Program { static void Main( string [] args) { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); long seed = Environment.TickCount; // Prevents the JIT Compiler // from optimizing Fkt calls away long result = 0 ; int count = 100000000 ; Console.WriteLine( " 20 Tests without correct preparation " ); Console.WriteLine( " Warmup " ); for ( int repeat = 0 ; repeat < 20 ; ++ repeat) { stopwatch.Reset(); stopwatch.Start(); result ^= TestFunction(seed, count); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine( " Ticks: " + stopwatch.ElapsedTicks + " mS: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); } // Uses the second Core or Processor for the Test Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessorAffinity = new IntPtr( 2 ); // Prevents "Normal" processes // from interrupting Threads Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High; // Prevents "Normal" Threads Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; // from interrupting this thread Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( " 20 Tests with correct preparation " ); Console.WriteLine( " Warmup " ); stopwatch.Reset(); stopwatch.Start(); while (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 1200 ) // A Warmup of 1000-1500 mS // stabilizes the CPU cache and pipeline. { result = TestFunction(seed, count); // Warmup } stopwatch.Stop(); for ( int repeat = 0 ; repeat < 20 ; ++ repeat) { stopwatch.Reset(); stopwatch.Start(); result ^= TestFunction(seed, count); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine( " Ticks: " + stopwatch.ElapsedTicks + " mS: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); } Console.WriteLine(result); // prevents optimizations (current compilers are // too silly to analyze the dataflow that deep, but we never know ) } public static long TestFunction( long seed, int count) { long result = seed; for ( int i = 0 ; i < count; ++ i) { result ^= i ^ seed; // Some useless bit operations } return result; } } } 结果:
- Ticks: 1580367 mS: 572 <-- highest Value
- Ticks: 1577003 mS: 571
- Ticks: 1576140 mS: 571
- Ticks: 1560964 mS: 565
- Ticks: 1351663 mS: 489
- Ticks: 1248383 mS: 452
- Ticks: 1115361 mS: 404
- Ticks: 1112813 mS: 403
- Ticks: 1113112 mS: 403
- Ticks: 1112012 mS: 402 <-- lowest Value
- Ticks: 1330444 mS: 482
- Ticks: 1558493 mS: 564
- Ticks: 1501097 mS: 543
- Ticks: 1517796 mS: 549
- Ticks: 1542712 mS: 558
- Ticks: 1574959 mS: 570
- Ticks: 1483975 mS: 537
- Ticks: 1390578 mS: 503
- Ticks: 1546904 mS: 560
- Ticks: 1349507 mS: 488
运行时间在402ms572ms之间不等。存在170 mS 或者42%差距。很显然,这些结果是没有用的。
- Ticks: 1110518 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110540 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110543 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110684 mS: 402 <-- highest Value
- Ticks: 1110508 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110553 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110600 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110433 mS: 402 <-- lowest Value
- Ticks: 1110509 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110508 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110489 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110568 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110503 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110566 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110625 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110474 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110571 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110448 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110555 mS: 402
- Ticks: 1110495 mS: 402
有20个相同的结果:402 ms ,只能用tick(内部CPU性能计数器值)分辨。测试结果存在251tick或者0,02 %差距。在我的系统中,Stopwatch的频率是每秒2760029 tick。测试之间的运行差别只有0,09毫秒。这用于衡量和比较算法运行是非常好的。